
The Casa Morisca Boutique Hotel in Granada has a multitude of services available to its guests to make them feel at home. We take care of every detail.


Unforgettable stays

The hotel offers a buffet breakfast, and drinks and light meals can be served from reception at any time of the day, either in the room or in the lounge or terrace.
You can also book shows, restaurants and guided tours of the Alhambra and the city from reception.
The hotel offers transfers by car to the airport and to any point of your choice.




The Hotel Boutique Casa Morisca has free wifi throughout the hotel available to guests.


The hotel has a car park at the door of the hotel, parking is limited and subject to prior reservation.

24 Hour Reception

Hotel Casa Morisca has a 24-hour reception service to attend to guests’ needs.


Casa Morisca Boutique Hotel offers car transfers to the airport and to any point of your choice.


Hotel Boutique Casa Morisca offers a buffet breakfast on the ground floor minus 1 from 7.30am to 11am.

Ticket sales

Shows, restaurants and guided tours of the Alhambra and the city can be booked from reception.